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"Me First" and BBC support for social business

Why doesn't the BBC support social business?

That's the question being asked today, with a group of social enterprises calling for social enterprise to be featured on The Apprentice.

The obvious answer would be - because they don't understand it.

Let's remember that Sir Alan Sugar was a key figure in taking technology production overseas, Though this might be laudable as a social enterpeise with the aim of tackling poverty in developing economies, we can be pretty sure that's not what Sir Alan had in mind,

Closed, Selective and Controlling Social Media

It's an expression coined by Thomas Power, founder of the Ecademy business network, who advocates the converse - Open, Random and Supportive:


It aligns well with our own advocacy for shared information access in business which puts people first ,  pointing out:that:

Google and doing evil in "The New Digital Age"

Google is under fire from two directions this week. :  

Ending Poverty: We are all Spartacus, oppressors included

How readily do we stand in the shoes of another and try to know their injuries as if our own? Consider the oppression of poverty for example.  

In 2003 it was a homeless man fasting for economic rights who drew me into his world of activism for those in greater need.

When a social enterprise took on Atos

I wasn't disabled in 2006 and I'm not really disabled now in any physical sense. It's really about long term dependence on chemo.

The story begins in 2003 with a  disabled and homeless man fasting for economic rights in the US. I try to help but with nobody listening , I suggested an exit strategy, to work together. This would bring him and his social business concept to London.  . 

As a social enterprise software business, we were in the supply chain of several government departments and NHS trusts. One of the departments. was DCMS.

Occupy Anders Aslund: Really betraying a revolution

Really Betraying a Revolution
Terry E. Hallman
Monday, 23 May, 2005

Occupy the Diggers: Sterilise the poor

Australia presents the 'perfect storm' for social enterprise, we were told last week. in an article describing an expedition "down under".

I wonder who paid for the trip? It can't have been just our membership subscriptions How can they justify this when so much social enterprise in the UK is unsupported?

Perfect storm may well have been an understatement of the true social climate.

Charity vs Social Enterprise and institutionalised children


Some years ago we asked the question - what is social enterprise? 

EdTech for the Third World

A guest blog from


Occupy Barack Obama: Learn to love and respect each other

"Thank you for your time and attention to this. I and others will look forward to hearing from you. I hope we continue to realize ever more fully that outside the box and inside the box have only a box in the way. We outside the box know quite a bit of what’s going on, many times in exquisite detail, perhaps in ways that those inside the box can’t quite as easily access if at all. We are grossly underfunded in favor of missiles, bombs, and ordnance, which is about 100% backwards.


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