Introduction to P-CED

P-CED is a partner in the Charter for Compassion

P-CED places people at the center of economic development. P-CED takes the bottom line one step further: to people, past numbers. Enterprise profitability and economic success cannot be fairly measured in terms of gains of money capital alone. Profit is redefined in human terms rather than pure quantitative analyses that remove human and social concerns in the name of profit.

P-CED advocates for the development of localized people-centered economics on a global basis. Toward this end, each local community needs access to:

  • a comprehensive, easily accessible information source about all of its currently available local resources
  • an extended national and global information resource base to facilitate locating and sharing of resources
  • resources for creation of community funding enterprises for profit, with profits to be applied to social needs in addition to private wealth creation

P-CED began as a 'poverty-relief via targeted community enterprise development' advocacy in the US in 1997. ?P-CED now operates as a UK-registered profit-for-purpose in the former Soviet Union, and a social relief enterprise in Ukraine.

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